Adventures Of Garnet 2022 ver.065

Fixed the black robed girl on the graveyard at the very beginning of the game.
    I need Feedback. Plese, comment: if you see something wrong I may be able to repair it.

Since Garnet finds Felix, she knows that she should go to North.
There she can access now Wall Castle. She will need to find a way to go beyond the walls. And keep going North, to find the misterious ruins of Helador Castle.

There she may be able to open the connection to Hell and find her father.

The hell itself is not done yet. But the events and scenes until there are done.
Secondary NPC's are not yet worked enough. Only the essentials.

Maps, furnitures, NPC's and main events and scenes are done, and they seem to work fine.

By the way, to go to hell will be needed to have completed the library books quest, since is the one that unlocks magic.
A bit of a walktrhough for that quest; where to find those books:

The 19 library books quest

1.       Garnet’s home 2nd floor

2.       Garnet’s home 1st floor table

3.       Garnet’s home 1st floor bookshelf

4.       1st Garnet’s home Store room

5.       2nd Garnet’s home Store room

6.       Garnet’s home bathroom

7.       Felix’s Bookshelf

8.       Felix’s 2nd floor

9.       Pub, right mid table

10.   Farm pig pen

11.   in farm House (sex scene related; diff by night)

12.   Left soldier in barracks (for 20 potions)

13.   Ren’s House (table)

14.   Dog trainer (left table)

15.   Dali Inn, 2nd floor, Bookshelf

16.   Crypt

17.   Library, beside bibliotecary



From 17, the mission can be completed anyways

more about the books quest:

Please, if someone sees something wrong, a bug, whatever, tell me. I may be able to repair it.