Decaulion is found

The 2nd member of the troup of Prometheus, the father of Garnet, is found in this update. Now, only Prometheus himself is pending to be found.
This update includes several maps, new enemies and one final boss.
The enemies include scenes if Garnet does not have her armor.
Not the final boss, iirc, which can only be killed one time.

The addres of this prerelease, the 0.81 , can be found here:

The use of hotkeys and spells will be required to beat the final boss of this area. Is powerful. 
The map, as you can see in the screenshot, is now on the left, not overlapped with the image of Garnet. Also, the hotkeys menu has been fixed of its problems. To show it, tab key. To hide it, tab key again.


pd. If there are any bugs.. As I guess that will be, please, report them on a commentary

Also, a thread on f95zone has been created.

Fixed interface

Thanks to KK-20 at Chaos-project for indicate that the problem with the bar in the left side was because of the size of the png files. 
Thanks to my previous tries I learnt how to move the bar to a correct position. I've given the png a bit of transparency. 
I think that now, the interface looks great!

Its still soon for an update. The position of the arrows are now matching the positions of the icons. Not perfect, but good enough. Anyways, much better than before.

I changed the position of the minimap to avoid overlapping with the picture of garnet. It was on the right and now is on the left. So I've moved the bar a bit upper in that left side.

To show that bar, Tab key. To hidden, tab key again.

Meanwhile.. the "hell's door" area is nearly finished. Ive done several maps, modified or created some enemies.. and changed others.

Still.. i think that the IA is problematic, but .. well.. one problem at each time.

I've spent a lot of time searching about lighting effects and shadows, but the script that i've found, that looks really great, does not work with the addons that the game already has.
Maybe could be fixed... but .. is not the priority right now. Sad, because i think that would look really great.
but is better to deal with problems one by one.

The Adventures of Garnet , realm of ghosts. Ver. 0.71

I think that the proper address to download it is the next one:

In this version Garnet can reach Helador and, from there, go even beyond.

Several maps, scenes and events have been added. Also new characters and tilesets.

It may contain bugs. Feedback about errors that could be found would be wellcome.

Also, if someone knows how to fix the skills interface, that would be very wellcome too.

Leave your comments below.

interface nightmare

In the next update: 

- now space bar confirms. You don't need to attack someone when yelding a sword to talk to him. You can talk to people with space bar.

- the hotkeys interface was wrong from the early beginning. I've tried to improve it messing with the code. Now the numbers are visible and they coincide with the black squares.
See before and after the changes in the next pictures. The hotkeys assignation that I'm talking about are the column in the left.

This is an example of where I've done the changes and how. To me, now, it seems a bit better than before, but still far away from a good enough interface. I'm not a programmer myself, so, for me, this has been a difficult job. I'm not fluent english speaker either.

Another thing changed is the hotkeys menu. Now there is a limit on the bottom area, when it wasn't. I've tried to adjust it the better that I've been able to.

In the next update it will be also a few more maps in the hell area, with a few events and scenes. Still working on it. There is also a new kind of character, ghost npc's that are like a common npc but with some kind of smoke instead of legs, since they are floating.